Katchr has partnered with Actionstep to provide enterprise class business intelligence in a real time dashboard environment to Actionstep’s growing base of law firm clients.
“Actionstep’s growth here in the last couple of years has already demonstrated that the solution is closely aligned to the needs of small and mid-size law firms.” states Martin Page, Head of Sales for Katchr. “Following on from discussions with the Actionstep team about their strategic plans, providing Katchr’s Express and Professional BI solutions to their client base is an obvious fit.”
“Law firms of all sizes now expect to have available to them comprehensive real time business metrics.” continues Martin. “Knowing your firm’s current WIP, utilisation, realisation and profitability and other key metrics at a firm wide, departmental, team and individual level is key to the success of today’s law firm. With Katchr, Actionstep clients are now able to do this seamlessly via an intuitive interactive dashboard interface.”
“With approaching 100 clients already, Katchr is a well-respected Business Intelligence provider in the UK SME law firm space with significant domain expertise in the area of law firm business intelligence.” adds Oliver Tromp, Regional Director, UK for Actionstep. “This partnership will mean that our clients are able to leverage the valuable data held within the Actionstep system in a simple, digestible and real time format. This in turn will help them not only manage the day-to-day requirements of their business but also plan strategically for the future.”
“We are excited to partner with Actionstep and look forward to working with their clients and providing them with the management information they need to run their businesses effectively.” concludes Martin.
For more information about the partnership, please contact oliver.tromp@actionstep.com.
About Katchr
The Katchr solution is performance management and business analytics dashboard software and is currently used to support and drive change in approaching 100 law firms. Katchr has been developed with and for law firms and ensures that the data they have locked away is turned into actionable information for every member of the team at the touch of a button.
With proven integrations to all leading case and practice management systems, Katchr dashboards monitor all aspects of law firm performance including fee earner KPIs, marketing, case progress, risk and compliance, client-matter profitability and departmental P&L. Fully compatible with a smart phone and tablet, Katchr dashboard visualisations and reports can be tailored to each firm and help optimise every aspect of their business operations, marketing and pricing decisions.
About Actionstep – Where Law Works
Actionstep is a fast-growing, dynamic SaaS (Software as a Service) business with a global customer base, including 22,000+ users globally and 150+ UK law firms. Actionstep delivers a comprehensive legal practice management cloud platform to midsize law firms looking for a flexible all-in-one solution.
Combining all the work of law firms in one platform, including Matter Management, CRM, Document Assembly and Management, Time and Billing, Payments, Client and Office Accounting, Reporting, and more, Actionstep is where law works.
For more details, go to: www.actionstep.com