Here at Katchr, we like to do our part for the community. Each year, we donate a share of the company profits to a chosen charity and this year, we’re trying to take that a step further. Our chosen charity is Candlelighters and this year we are raising our game by setting a fundraising target of £10,000 towards this exceptional children’s charity.
Who are Candlelighters?
They support families facing the turmoil of children’s cancer, getting involved in all sorts of different projects to help during such a difficult time. Their vision is to bring light and hope to every family affected by childhood cancer, providing emotional, practical and financial support when it is most needed. In addition, they also fund research to improve treatment and outcomes for children with cancer, now and for future generations.
How are we helping?
As we are a Yorkshire business, raising money for a Yorkshire charity we decided to keep it local and hold a Christmas Tour de Yorkshire.
Inspired by Sophie Ellis-Bextor’s motivation for her recent disco dance-a-thon for ‘Children in Need’, we’ve challenged ourselves to pedal our way across the 380.5 miles, the same as the real event (which was again unfortunately cancelled this year and for 2022), in 4 days, completing every mile on the exercise bike. It’s a big challenge for a small team (13 of us), but we’re ready to give it a go!
We’re hoping that our determination will bring us that much closer to our £10,000 target and maybe even inspire others to realise the many ways in which they too can offer their time and gain sponsorship to support this wonderful charity.
You can show your support here:
Visit to keep up to date with the great work of Candlelighters.