Many firms have a large number of non-chargeable time activity codes, to allow a fine grained analysis of where time is spent. However, it is often useful to also be able to analyse time at a broader high level before drilling into that detail.
Katchr time category mapping allows detailed Non Chargeable activity codes from the PMS to be grouped into up to 8 named categories.
Analysis of time by category is then available through a number of different standard webparts, for example:
To map your non-chargeable time codes, click on the cog in the top right hand corner and select Maintenance from the list. Please note that only those set as Administrators will see the cog.
Click on the Time Category Maintenance option.
Time category maintenance allows up to 8 categories to be renamed to more Firm wide suitable headings.
The default categories are:
- Practice Management
- Practice Development
- Holiday/Sickness
- Other Useful
- Time Category 5
- Time Category 6
- Time Category 7
- Time Category 8
To amend a heading, type in the text required within the field and click on Update. Once done refresh the screen. This will then update the category names in Time Category Mapping.
Drag and drop activity codes from the “Unassigned Activities” List into the appropriate category.
Press Save once mapping is complete.
Don’t forget to return here in 2 weeks for another Top Tip.
If you require further information please email at or call us on 03333 010 766.