Top Tip #11 – The Unassigned Group

The purpose of the unassigned group in the Navigation Pane is to ensure that firm-wide aggregate totals will always be correct, even if some fee earners records do not appear in the defined group/department/team structure.

This is really important to ensure everyone can have confidence in the data, even if mistakes are made in the configuration of departments, or marking new starters/leavers. The unassigned group will always show the measure values that are associated with “missing” fee earners.

It will therefore:

  1. Capture fee earners that may not have the correct department or team set up.
  2. Capture fee earners that have been ticked as Not In Use in Fee Earner Maintenance but do not have a all-zero balances


To deal with item 1 make sure that the fee earner has been set to the right department (and team if applicable) in your PMS. When katchr updates it will then automatically pick this information up for you.

If, in addition, you are using katchr’s team set up then once the fee earner has been set the correct department you then need to add the team in Fee Earner Maintenance.

To access Fee Earner Maintenance, click on the cog in the top right-hand corner and select Maintenance from the list. pic-2

Please note that only those set as Administrators will be able to access the Maintenance option.

Select Fee Earner Maintenance from the Options and highlight the fee earner in question. Then in the lower half of the screen select the Edit button (pencil) and select the relevant team from the list.


When complete click on the OK button. This will then take the fee earner out of the Unassigned Group and into their correct department/team.

For item number 2 you may have ticked a fee earner as Not In Use as they have left your Firm. The Not In Use box is underneath the Teams list.


If the fee earner still has balances (eg Lockup, Fees, Matters Open, etc) then they will automatically fall into the Unassigned Group until all balances are zero.

Below is an example of a fee earner who has been ticked as Not In Use but they still have figures. If this happens just untick the Not In Use box and they will go back into their original slot in the Navigation Pane.


Don’t forget to return here in 2 weeks for another Top Tip.

If you require further information please email at or call us on 03333 010 766.

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