Top Tip #12 ‐ Impersonating a User
Administrators are able to impersonate another user, and therefore inherit that person’s dashboard displays and permissions. This can be utilised for tracing problems and supporting users.
To access Impersonate User, click on the cog in the top right hand corner in Katchr and select Maintenance from the list.
Please note that only those set as Administrators will be able to access the Maintenance option.
Click on User Maintenance from the Options list and click on the Edit button on the left hand side of your name.
Select the user you wish to impersonate from the Impersonate Field
Once the user has been selected click on Update.
In Katchr you will then need to refresh the screen, it will show you in the top right corner who you are currently impersonating.
When finished go back in to Maintenance to take the Impersonation off.
Don’t forget to return here in 2 weeks for another Top Tip.
If you require further information please e-mail us at or call us on 03333 010 766.