Targeting performance in most law firms tends to be limited to Fees Delivered, Fees Received and Time Chargeable and as a result the majority of Practice Management Systems only provide the facility to store targets for these measures.
Katchr supports a wide range of targets to enable comparison of performance against expectations for a wide variety of measures. The following targets are currently supported:
Achieved Rate | Matters Closed |
Chargeable Mins | Matters Open |
Chargeable Time Utilsation % | Matters Opened |
Conditional WIP Balance | Non Chargeable Mins |
Debtor Days | *Non Chargeable Mins Practice Development |
Debtors Aged | *Non Chargeable Mins Practice Management |
Debtors Aged (60+ days) | *Non Chargeable Mins Holiday/Sickness |
Debtors Balance | *Non Chargeable Mins Other Useful |
Disbursement Days | *Non Chargeable Mins 5 |
Disbursement Aged | *Non Chargeable Mins 6 |
Disbursement Aged (60+ days) | *Non Chargeable Mins 7 |
Disbursement Balance | *Non Chargeable Mins 8 |
Fee Recovery % | Total Time Recorded |
Fee Recovery % Received | Total Time Utlisation % |
Fees Delivered | Total WIP Balance |
Fees Received | WIP Aged |
Lockup Days | WIP Aged (60+ days) |
Lockup Total | WIP Days |
Matter WIP Balance | |
| *The Non Chargeable Mins categories will always reflect the name given specific to site) |
To set your Targets, click on the cog in the top right hand corner and select Maintenance from the list. Please note that only those with Administrator rights will see the cog.
Click on Target Maintenance and select the Target Type required from the drop down list.
Values can be entered individually in-line, with full validation:
Click on the Save button if entering lines individually.
Bulk updates can also be performed to set the values across different business units, e.g. Firm-wide:
Or for a particular department:
Please note that the Katchr targets are monthly and not yearly and so will carry that figure month to month unless otherwise altered.
Don’t forget to return here in two weeks for another Top Tip.
If you require further information please e-mail or call us on 03333 010 766.