The top half of the Navigation Pane tells you where you are in the hierarchy of firm, group, office, department, team and fee earner. You can select any part of the hierarchy to take you straight back to the point you wish to view the data from by clicking the appropriate heading with your mouse:
Analysis Section
The lower half, entitled ‘Analysis’ allows you to navigate around these levels:
Click the back arrow to move back up a level in the hierarchy (do not use your browsers back button, which is only to go back to the previous dashboard you were viewing):
Click the ‘Group’ button to return to the top group level:
Click the ‘Office’ button to return to the top office level. Please note the Office button will only show if your firm has multiple offices:
The “jump” button will show any Navigation shortcuts that have been defined for the user:
If a fee earner has previously worked in other departments (and Katchr is able to track this) then clicking on the white downward facing arrow will show a list of departments or teams (if applicable) so that the user can quickly navigate to another department to show the relevant figures for work in that department.
The All Teams (if applicable) or All Departments will always give a full total of all work done.
Typing in the Search field allows you to search for a fee earner, team or department:
Searching for a Fee Earner:
Searching for a Team or Department:
You can also jump straight to other groups, departments and teams by using the filter at the top of the screen:
The path next to the black navigational filter shows what you have selected in the Navigation Pane plus allows you to click on any section (in blue) to take you quickly back to a department or team.
Don’t forget to return here in two weeks for another Top Tip.
If you require further information please e-mail or call us on 03333 010 766.