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In discussion with Shaun Jardine of Big Yellow Penguin

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We hope you enjoy this Q&A webinar between our founder, Graham Moore and Shaun Jardine of Big Yellow Penguin fame. If you don’t have time to watch the video, here are a few highlights:

“I worked with a firm. Their employment lawyer said to a client, ‘I can offer you…’ It was to do employment contracts. ‘I can offer you some templates and some advice and help you, just remotely, do it yourself. £2,000. I can do it for you in three weeks’ time. £5,000. I’ll drop everything for you and do it tomorrow. £8,000.’ The client said, ‘I’ll have the £8,000 option, please.
Client happy, lawyer happy. I bet the equity partners were happy, you know? It’s that kind of thing where everyone’s a winner in that respect.”

“People have got things that they want to spend their money on other than legal things. Clients are either in pain or they want to gain something. They’re in pain because of, I’m being sued, or I’m in an unhappy marriage, or something like that, or I want to gain something, I want this probate to be sorted out for me, I want to sell a property, I want to buy the property of my dreams, or I might be having my property repossessed. We’ve got to think about what is it the clients want, and ultimately understand their outcome. That’s what we need to sell outcomes, not inputs. They’re not interested in hours; they’re not interested in the bits of paper that we create. No one has ever taken their will after it has been signed and reread it again because it’s a good read.”

“I think there is more and more pressure on lawyers and their mental health, where firms are thinking, actually we’ve got a duty to look after our people. There is this battle for talent, where you can’t afford for your people to be off. You’ve got to keep them healthy and well. You don’t want them leaving you, because it’s going to take time to find replacements. Those influence it, and when lawyers are asked, ‘Would you like to get away from this? Would you like to get away from time recording?’ do you know what? Most of them say yes. ‘Would you like to learn how to do this?’ Most of them say, ‘Yes, I would like to learn to do this if someone can train me to do it.”

“If anybody’s had any doubt, speak to someone. Speak to a friend. Speak to someone down the pub. Just say, ‘Look, if my law firm were thinking of offering you three price points for the service, would that be of interest to you?’ I bet you 98 per cent of them are going to say yes. There are going to be very few, if any, who say, ‘No, I much prefer the hourly rate.’ Think about builders. How many of us, when we have building work done on our house, how many of us sign up to a day rate? We don’t. We want that certainty.”

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