Data security is of vital importance to our business. We address this by accepting that whilst there are always risks, these should be minimised in all aspects of the work we do.
Data Security Policy - Hosted Solutions
Posted 06.07.2016
Katchr is committed to preserving the confidentiality and integrity of all information it holds and processes and to operating its business in compliance with the requirements of the UK Data Protection Act 1998.
Hosting provider
The Katchr data warehouse and dashboards are hosted in the Pulsant PEC Environment which is hosted by:
Pulsant Limited
Cadogan House
Rose Kiln Lane
Puslant services are certified to a wide range of industry standards including:
- ISO 27001
- ISO 9001
- ISO 14001
Data location
The primary location for katchr hosting is the Pulsant Milton Keynes Tier 4 Enterprise Class Data Centre in the UK.Backup locations are all also in the UKData is never transferred outside the EEA for any reason.
Data access
The Katchr application is protected by Cisco firewall, and on-the-wire encryption via HTTPS and authorised security certificate.Katchr handles a subset of the firm’s overall data, and that subset is defined by the firm. Normally this would include few, if any personal or case details.Anonymization of sensitive data can be supported during the ETL process where required
At Katchr we understand that people are often the weakest link in security. To that endWe undertake vetting of all new employees and contractors involved in the provision of our services, including but not limited to Disclosure and Barring Service (‘DSB’) basic checks through a recognised independent agency;
Our data protection policy is a key part of staff induction and ongoing reviews
best practice is regularly reviewed and updated
Data Backup Policy - Hosted Solutions
Posted 06.07.2016
Katchr is committed to preserving the confidentiality and integrity of all information it holds and processes and to operating its business in compliance with the requirements of the UK Data Protection Act 1998.
Data Backup Location
All Katchr data is backed up within the Pulsant Data Centre environment – See Data Security Policy – Hosted Solutions for details
Data Backup Procedure
All warehoused data is refreshed daily from source systemsThe entire data warehouse is backed up from SQL Server to local disk dailyThe on-disk backups are backed up to secondary systems daily
Retention Periods
Local backups are retained for 2 days to enable fast recovery.
Secondary backups are retained for up to 7 days and then deleted.